Free Computer Training
Free computer training center for disabled persons and poor children.

Inspirational music program
Inspirational music program for school children by blind artists

Kannada Rajyotsava Program
Vikas Disabled Charitable Trust has celebrated the Rajyotsava Program with Music Program
World Louie Braille Day Program
Vikas Disabled Charitable Trust has celebrated the World Louie Braille Day Program

Distributing blind stick to blinds
We are distributing blind stick to blind students every year
Prize Distribution to S.S.L.C. Students
Our trust conducted the prize of Rs.1000 distribution program for SSLC Students who secured highest marks
Organization Anniversary Day
Vikas Disabled Charitable Trust has celebrated its anniversary with our students.

World Disabled Day Program
Vikas Disabled Charitable Trust has celebrated World Disabled Day Program
Braille Script Competition
Vikas Disabled Charitable Trust has participated in Braille Script competition .
Deaf and dumb drawing Competition
Vikas Disabled Charitable Trust has participated in State Level Deaf and dumb drawing competition.
Distribution of Wheelchair to Disabled persons
Our organization has donated wheelchairs for the disabled people on world disable day
Donated ration items to blind families
Vikas Disabled Charitable Trust has donated ration items every month for blinds families
Buying Vikas Chetana Agarbharata
Don't give pity to people with disabilities,By buying Vikas Chetana Agarbharata 1.Acquisition of financial assistance for the education of children. 2.Provide opportunities for the self-employment of the disabled.